Our Supporting Churches

In addition to several individual believers, The following churches have committed to faithfully supporting Regions In Need By praying or giving, and often both.

Church of the Redeemer, Los Lunas, NM. https://cotrll.org Heritage Christian Fellowship, Albuquerque, NM. https://heritageabq.org Trinity @ The Market Place, Albuquerque, NM. https://www.trinityabq.org/ Christian Family Fellowship, Canon City, CO. https://www.cffcc.net/ Faith Christian Fellowship, Henderson, NV. https://www.faithchristianhenderson.org Crossroads Community Church, Lancaster, VT. Poqouson Baptist Church, Poquoson, VA. https://www.poquosonbaptist.org Grace Bible Church, Conway AR. https://www.gbcconway.com Christ Church, Dover, AR. Unity Bible Church, Lewiston, ME. https://www.unitybible.com. *First Baptist Church, Atkins, AR. https://www.atkinsfbc.com.

*Our Home Church