Our Vision
Regions In Need exists to glorify God by reinforcing frontline missions by training, mentoring, resourcing, and providing pastoral care to national believers and overseas workers who are willing to engage unreached and least reached people groups in hard to access areas of the world with the Gospel and plant New Testament churches among them.
Our Commitment
Regions in Need is committed to providing Bible and Theological training and resources, free of charge, to overseas national pastors, pastors-in-training, and church workers who need them. Currently, we provide training, resources, consultation and pastoral care to national believers and foreign workers in Africa and Asia.
Our Rational
National believers whom God calls to work as evangelists, missionaries, pastors, and/or church planters among their own people have the advantage of knowing and understanding their own culture and language. However, having said that, they may or may not know and understand the Word of God well enough to truly minister the Gospel to their own people group, make disciples, and plant biblical churches.
This is where Regions In Need can help. Whereas, we cannot possibly provide believers with the cultural and linguistic training for every possible unreached people group in the world. We can, provide a theologically sound, biblically saturated, gospel-centered, Bible education to those believers desiring to go into their own cultures to minister the Gospel, make disciples, and plant biblical churches. Thus, the rational behind Regions In Need is that in providing national believers with a sound biblical and theological education they will be able to combine this training with their own cultural experience and awareness so as to preach the Gospel, make disciples, and start solid churches within their own culture.
Our Students
We look for and desire to invest deeply in students who are consumed with passionately pursuing Christ and His will for their lives even if His will means suffering for the sake of the Gospel; students who are not consumed with their own self-preservation and comfort; students who love Christ and His Church; and students who have a track record of living by faith, disciplining themselves for the purpose of godliness, and sacrificially serve Christ by serving others.
If Interested In Our Training or Desiring Training In Your Area Please Contact Us At: bookmark59@gmail.com