Thank you for considering a donation to Regions In Need!
Currently, there are two ways to give financially to our ministry.
You can give online through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) by going to their website at and following the giving instructions on the DONATE page. If you run into any problems making your donation online please call them at (281) 599-7411 or (1-800-262-7729) and someone will be glad to help you.
The other way to give is to send a check, made out to Central Missionary Clearinghouse, to:
Central Missionary Clearinghouse P.O. Box 219228 Houston, Texas 77218-9228.
Please write “For Mark & Nancy Waite” on a separate piece of paper, 3x5 card, or post-it note and include it with your check. You can also include what you want your gift to be used for (i.e. The Shekinah Glory Children’s Shelter; Mark’s Training Trips; etc.)
All gifts are tax-deductible.
These funds provide us with the ability to make several trips each year to provide Bible, Theological, and Ministry training to under-trained pastors serving in challenging, hard-to-get-to, often-dangerous, and very needy areas of Cameroon. In addition, we use these funds to support and resource our Resident Bible Training Schools in Yaounde, Bambili, Mamfe, and Maroua as well as our Mobile Bible Training Schools throughout Cameroon. We also provide monthly support to the Shekinah Glory Children’s Shelter in Yaounde as well as financial gifts to Cameroon mission churches and pastors’ families in need. Finally, we try to provide financial relief to widows, refugees, and others experiencing great need as a means of adorning the gospel.
To help with the expenses for Mark’s training trips to Cameroon in 2025 which, includes his airfare to Cameroon, in-country travel and living expenses as well as funds to help pay for the travel expenses, food, lodging, and lesson materials for all the pastors who come to the training. Currently, he needs to raise $5000 for each trip which will take him and his Cameroonian teammates to several major Muslim cities in Cameroon and possibly Chad to provide Bible and theological training for under-trained national pastors and church planters. If you can help please give using one of the two methods above and designate your gift for “Mark’s Training Trips”. Thank you!
A big need we desire to help with at the Shekinah Glory Children’s Shelter is that of raising $350 more per month to enable them to reach their monthly need of $2000 to cover operational expenses in 2025. If you’d like to help with this please designate your gift for the Shekinah Glory Children’s Shelter Operating Costs. Thank you!
Two of our twin babies, Alex and Hope, have Sickle Cell Anemia which has caused our medical expenses at the orphanage to soar. Currently, we need $160/month to cover their monthly medical expenses and care. If you’d like to help please designate your gift for “Alex & Hope’s Medical Expenses”. Thank you!
In addition, the school age children all go to a Christian school in Yaounde which is really the only choice if they are to receive an education at this point. The government schools only teach in French and these children speak their tribal language and English. Also, because they are orphans they are not treated like the other children. In addition, Martin and Colette want them to have a Christian education. If you’d like to give toward the children’s school expenses please designate your gift to “Orphans Education Expenses”.
And if there is anyone interested in going to the orphanage to help with tutoring the children in English, Reading, and Math please contact us. Thank you!
Thank you!